Olympia Odos


Synergies with an eye on the drivers and the society

The continuous improvement of services to the users, the road safety and the contribution to the society are priorities for Olympia Odos. In this context, we cooperate with bodies and organizations who have similar priorities and sensitivities.

Support of the “Observatory of Road Networks of Western Greece and the Peloponnese” 

Olympia Odos supports the operation of the “Observatory of Road Networks of Western Greece and the Peloponnese”. 

The Observatory constitutes a strategic tool, which with documented scientific methodology and modern geographic information systems (GIS, geodatabase etc.) collects and processes data, and then provides systematic and reliable information services on the state of the areas affected by the operation of major infrastructure projects.

Of particular interest in the Observatory’s research is the study of the phenomenon of social exclusion, poverty and inequality, along with the development of accessibility in the region, business mobility, the impact on real estate, the tourist/rural development, etc.

The website of the Observatory: http://www.poadep.gr 


Olympia Odos is a member of the organization “HELLASTRON” (HELLENIC ASSOCIATION of TOLL ROAD NETWORK), which was established in late 2014 with the participation of all modern motorways and tolled infrastructures operating in Greece.

The association was created with the overall aim of promoting road transport in Greece and, in this context, it seeks among others:

  • the continuous improvement of road infrastructures and the services provided to users
  • the promotion of road safety
  • the promotion of research on transport issues through partnerships with relevant Bodies and Institutes in Greece and abroad
  • the development of the science of construction and management of road infrastructures, the development of skilled and informed personnel, and the exchange relevant know-how
  • the participation in the corresponding organizations in Europe and worldwide

The website of HELLASTRON: www.hellastron.com



So far we have worked in a number of actions and programs to promote awareness and education in road safety, along with the firm support of the Institute. From the first day of operation of the concession project, we have partnered with IOAS to promote road safety in our country.

The website of IOAS: www.ioas.gr


Hellenic Institute For Occupational Health & Safety (ELINYAE)

Reaffirming its commitment to promote safety and health at work, Olympia Odos entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Hellenic Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (ELINYAE), in 2022.

The cooperation provides for the joint planning and implementation of programs and actions to inform and raise awareness about Occupational Health and Safety, to exchange information and promote research in the field of occupational health and safety at work.

Within this framework, ELINYAE was the scientific advisor of the internal campaign called "Destination: Occupational Safety" intended to the employees of the Patras-Pyrgos worksites.

The website of ELINYAE: www.elinyae.gr

Diversity Charter Greece

The Diversity Charter is an initiative of the European Commission aiming at ensuring equal employment opportunities. In Greece, the Diversity Charter for the Greek companies and organizations started its activity in 2019 and it is implemented by KEAN - Cell of Alternative Youth Activities. Olympia Odos signed the Greek Diversity Charter in 2021, thus stating its commitment to enhance its policy in the field of diversity and equality.

The website of the Diversity Charter Greece: diversity-charter.gr

pdf iconDiversity Charter Greece


Hellenic Network for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR Hellas)

CSR HELLAS was founded in 2000 to promote and implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the strategies and operations of businesses and organizations. In 2020, Olympia Odos became a core member of the network.

The website of  CSR Hellas: csrhellas.org


Hellenic Institute of Customer Service (EIEP)

The non-profit organization “Hellenic Institute of Customer Service” (EIEP) was founded in 2004 to promote a business framework supporting personal skills in customer service and recognizing and awarding all those who implement them successfully.  Olympia Odos supports the activities of the Institute and participates in the National Customer Service Week with a series of activities since 2017.

The website of  EIEP: customerservice.gr

Ευρωπαϊκή Χάρτα Οδικής Ασφάλειας

European Road Safety Charter 

The European Road Safety Charter, led be the European Commission, is the largest civil society on road safety. To date, more than 4000 public and private entities have commites to the Charter and carried out road safety actions and initiatives targeted at their members, employees abd the rest of the civil society. Together, these various entities form a community in whitch members can share their expertise and actions, inspiring and learning drom each other. Olympia Odos is a member of the Charter since 2019.

The website of the European Road Safety Charter: road-safety-charter.ec.europa.eu

 Ίδρυμα για την Υπεύθυνη Οδήγηση του Ομίλου VINCI

Fondation VINCI Autoroutes

Olympia Odos is a member of the Foundation for Responsible Driving of the VINCI Group (Fondation VINCI Autoroutes), which systematically organizes information campaigns for the cultivation of responsible driving culture and funds research on road safety.

The website of the Fondation VINCI Autoroutes: fondation.vinci-autoroutes.com

Χιλιόμετρα Αλληλεγγύης

Kilometers of Solidarity

In 2016, Olympia Odos, together with the Rion-Antirion Bridge and Nea Odos set up the social union “KILOMETERS OF SOLIDARITY”. Through the actions of the union “KILOMETERS OF SOLIDARITY”, associations, clubs and organizations in Western Greece are supported.



Since 2014, Olympia Odos cooperates with Diazoma Association which aims at preserving and promoting ancient theaters and sites (stadiums, hippodromes etc.) in cooperation with the Greek Ministry of Culture and the Ephorates of Antiquities. The main axis of cooperation with DIAZOMA Association is the connection of a branded tourist/cultural product -the Cultural Route of Olympia Odos- with the Sustainable Development of all areas along the motorway.

The website of  DIAZOMA: www.diazoma.gr

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