Olympia Odos

Hybrid - kilometer-based tolling

For the first time in Greece, Olympia Odos offers since January 2021 tolling depending on the distance you actually travel.

Hybrid - OLYMPIA PASS  transponder

Using OLYMPIA PASS you pay just the value of the distance you have traveled, since at the entrances and exits of the Motorway the new and innovative Hybrid system calculates the distance you have traveled and automatically refunds the difference. The Hybrid tolling system applies to all vehicle categories, except motorcycles.


απόκτηση πομποδέκτη ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ PASS

You get the HYBRID tolling system automatically when you subscribe to and use the OLYMPIA PASS transponder.

εκπτωτικό πρόγραμμα VALUE

Private cars can benefit from the VALUE discount scheme, at the same time.

κλιμακωτές εκπτώσεις

Therefore you can enjoy both the distance-based system and the scalable discounts depending on the motorway use you make.

σύστημα HYBRID

The HYBRID system applies only along OLYMPIA ODOS.

If you do not have a transponder, register online now

Online registration

Tabs will be inserted here
Watch the Kilometric charge of Olympia Odos in 50"
Olympia Odos: Kilometric charge for the first time in Greece
  • The transponder shall be always fixed on the windscreen to be recognized by the HYBRID electronic gantries installed at the entrances and exits of the motorway.
  • Pass from the electronic gantries at normal speed, without stopping.  The OLYMPIA PASS transponder will be automatically recognized and you will hear the typical “beep”.
  • You can see the refund of money to your account within a few minutes from your passage.
  • In the event that you do not hear the typical “beep”, and you establish that no refund has been made, please contact the Customer Service within 10 days.
  • With OLYMPIA PASS you can pass from all toll stations in Greece and be charged with the toll rates applicable on the relevant motorway.

Route example within the zone of Eleonas

pdf file See here the benefit with Hybrid

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