Using OLYMPIA PASS you pay just the value of the distance you have traveled, since at the entrances and exits of the Motorway the new and innovative Hybrid system calculates the distance you have traveled and automatically refunds the difference. The Hybrid tolling system applies to all vehicle categories, except motorcycles.
You get the HYBRID tolling system automatically when you subscribe to and use the OLYMPIA PASS transponder.
Private cars can benefit from the VALUE discount scheme, at the same time.
Therefore you can enjoy both the distance-based system and the scalable discounts depending on the motorway use you make.
The HYBRID system applies only along OLYMPIA ODOS.
If you do not have a transponder, register online now
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Phone customer service
22960 95555
Monday to Friday (08.00-18.00) and Weekends (10.00-18.00)
Emergency Phone
Phone customer service
22960 95555
Monday to Friday (08.00-18.00) and Weekends (10.00-18.00)
Emergency Phone